
Showing posts from October, 2019


Model United Nations , also known as  Model UN  or  MUN , is an educational simulation and/or academic activity in which students can learn about diplomacy,  International relations,  and the United Nations  Skills  Creativity: to redact the text  Organizing information: to organize the information in the text  Problem solving: to try to solve the problem of child soldiers 

Sentence Structure

It’s the basic parts of the paragraph such as, the topic sentence, the body sentence, and the closing sentence. A text is also divided in introduction, body, and closing sentence. In the introduction you show the reader what the text is about. In the body you give the reader enough information for him to understand. Finally, in the closing sentence you sum up the information given in the paragraph. Types of writing Descriptive writing: it describes a person, place or idea. It is important to use words to describe the senses Narrative: tells a story by sharing the detail of an experience Persuasive: gives an opinion and tries to convince the reader to agree with it Expository: it gives information about a topic, and explain different things such as ideas, directions or show how to do something.

Mind Maps

A mind map is a way to organize information in the form of a diagram but only using only key words for each branch and a lot of drawings or images, it’s a very good way to learn something new. Working skills used: Creativity: because you use it to draw and organize the drawings and information Communication: because you want to communicate information in the mind map Information Management: you manage information by branches Learning: you learn new things by looking at the mind map Presentation: the presentation you want to have in the mind map